Can Livestock Save the Planet?
The world has a water problem. More and more of the landscape in temperate zones is turning into desert. The planet is warming due to greenhouse gases. Now along comes Allan Savory, the founder of holistic grazing management, claiming that herds of livestock can reverse these trends. It sounds a little too good to be […]
Fact to Fiction
Presentation and Book Signing: Saturday, March 23, 2 PM Old Firehouse Books 230 Walnut, Ft. Collins, CO (970) 484-78898
Boulder Book Store Event
Author Presentation and Book Signing Boulder Book Store, 1107 Pearl Street Boulder, CO 80302, (303) 447-2074 Rescheduled from Feb. 24 to Sunday, April 7, 2 PM David J will present slides of historical characters in the novel and discuss how fact is transformed into fiction.
Thanks for finally writing about > My Book Signing Event...December 5, 2013 - 3:46 pm by
Dear David, I just finished your book. It was terrific...July 20, 2013 - 7:23 pm by Jim Baker
Hi David, I'm slow getting back to you but just read...June 4, 2013 - 2:22 pm by Sandy Silvester
Hi, Dave I finished reading your book a month or more ago...May 28, 2013 - 11:17 am by Arlene McGarrity
American West
Anne Hillerman
Australian shepherd
Big Thompson Flood
Big Thompson Watershed Coalition
Book Review
Cattle Drive
cattle ranching
Colorado Agridulture
Colorado history
David Jessup
David M. Jessup
Doc Holliday
Eco-friendly ranching
Ecosystem Services
Flathead Indians
fly fishing
Grass-fed beef
Grass-fed Cattle
historical fiction
historical novel
holiday gift ideas
Linda Jessup
Loveland Loves to Read
Mariano's Choice
Mariano's Crossing
Mariano Medina
Mark Shepard
Mary Doria Russell
Medina Cemetery
mountain men
Restoration Agriculture
Spring Kite Farm
Sylvan Dale Ranch
trout habitat
wild west
Wyatt Earp