Heart-J Beef Score High in Tenderness
The results are in, and our pure grass-fed beef scored a win. Every year we retain one small rib-eye steak out of most processed animals to send to a local meat lab to be independently tested for tenderness. Out of forty-one steaks tested, forty scored as tender. The breakdown is as follows: Very Tender (Shear […]
Moose Crashes Ranch Party
It wasn’t your usual gate crasher. Long legs, big ears and a schnozz the size of Rhode Island. A young moose, big enough to be dangerous, splashed into the end-of-the-week party for fifty guests at Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch Friday night. At one point the moose appeared to be headed for the buffet line of fresh […]
Mariano’s Crossing Tour
In response to the many readers who asked to visit some of the sites described in my historical novel, we took the first Mariano’s Crossing Tour on Saturday, June 15, 2013, at Sylvan Dale Ranch. Twenty-eight readers joined the tour. More wanted to come, so I’ll be scheduling another tour sometime in September. Stay tuned! The […]
Thanks for finally writing about > My Book Signing Event...December 5, 2013 - 3:46 pm by http://www.tech-newall.com/profile.php?u=FrancesBra
Dear David, I just finished your book. It was terrific...July 20, 2013 - 7:23 pm by Jim Baker
Hi David, I'm slow getting back to you but just read...June 4, 2013 - 2:22 pm by Sandy Silvester
Hi, Dave I finished reading your book a month or more ago...May 28, 2013 - 11:17 am by Arlene McGarrity