Parenting with Courage and Uncommon Sense
Parenting With Courage and Uncommon Sense, by Linda E. Jessup and Emory Luce Baldwin, contains the wisdom of over 30 years of parenting classes run by the Parent Encouragement Program, founded by Linda in 1982. This book is truly a gift for parents and all adults who work with children. Sections of it read like […]
Trout Habitat Restoration at Sylvan Dale
The devastating flood of September 2013 deposited tons of rocks and silt in the old river channel and killed most of the trout and aquatic insects. Thanks to the outstanding efforts of Larimer County and the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service, a temporary channel was re-established in March […]
Tour de Pants – Mariano’s Crossing
It’s Historic Preservation Month in our fair community, and this year’s focus is on Mariano Medina, the major character in my historical novel, Mariano’s Crossing. I’ll be reading a passage from my book at the event, which takes place in P…eter’s Park across from the Loveland Museum, around 10 am on Saturday May 3. There […]
Thanks for finally writing about > My Book Signing Event...December 5, 2013 - 3:46 pm by
Dear David, I just finished your book. It was terrific...July 20, 2013 - 7:23 pm by Jim Baker
Hi David, I'm slow getting back to you but just read...June 4, 2013 - 2:22 pm by Sandy Silvester
Hi, Dave I finished reading your book a month or more ago...May 28, 2013 - 11:17 am by Arlene McGarrity