May 7th – Mariano’s Crossing – Loveland’s First Family, Fact and Fiction
Join author David Jessup for a virtual journey into post-gold rush Colorado, when Mariano Medina, a Mexican trader, became the richest man in the Big Thompson valley. What caused the mysterious death of Mariano’s daughter, Lena? Why did Mariano’s Indian wife steal Lena’s body from their home? These questions, and more, will be explored in […]
Mariano’s Crossing – Book Tour of Historic Sites
In cooperation with Loveland’s Historic Preservation Month, I will be leading a tour of sites described in my award-winning historical novel, Mariano’s Crossing on Sunday, May 17, 2015. The tour is sponsored by the Heart-J Center for Experiential Learning at Sylvan Dale Ranch. The event will begin with brunch at Sylvan Dale, followed by a […]
These Fishermen Don’t Lie
Ever ask a fly fisherman how he did? Did you believe his answer? We fly fishing fanatics are sometimes known to exaggerate stories about our catch. Hey, it’s part of the fun! But at a river habitat restoration workshop on March 9 at Sylvan Dale Ranch, a group of anglers pledged to tell only the […]
Thanks for finally writing about > My Book Signing Event...December 5, 2013 - 3:46 pm by
Dear David, I just finished your book. It was terrific...July 20, 2013 - 7:23 pm by Jim Baker
Hi David, I'm slow getting back to you but just read...June 4, 2013 - 2:22 pm by Sandy Silvester
Hi, Dave I finished reading your book a month or more ago...May 28, 2013 - 11:17 am by Arlene McGarrity