Our Promise
With three last great breaths, our dog Promise passed into the Great Beyond on a beautiful sunny Friday morning, September 2, 2016. What we had thought was some sort of spinal injury, detected only two weeks earlier when she had difficulty keeping her hind legs under her, turned out to be a rampant form of […]
New Book Launch – October 1, 2016
My new book, Mariano’s Choice, will be featured at a book launch event on October 1, 2016, at Sylvan Dale Ranch. The event includes a tour of historic sites described in the books, breakfast and lunch, followed by a reading and book signing, with proceeds going to the non-profit Heart-J Center for Experiential Education. For […]
Book Review: Epitaph, by Mary Doria Russell
So much has been written about the OK Corral I almost passed this book up. Now I consider Epitaph one of the best historical novels on the American West I’ve ever read. Historical fiction often suffers when authors dwell too much on historical fact at the expense of a good story, or as in […]
Thanks for finally writing about > My Book Signing Event...December 5, 2013 - 3:46 pm by http://www.tech-newall.com/profile.php?u=FrancesBra
Dear David, I just finished your book. It was terrific...July 20, 2013 - 7:23 pm by Jim Baker
Hi David, I'm slow getting back to you but just read...June 4, 2013 - 2:22 pm by Sandy Silvester
Hi, Dave I finished reading your book a month or more ago...May 28, 2013 - 11:17 am by Arlene McGarrity